enghlish 2021

Welcome to your a a online solution enghlish set 10

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1. Who has written the poem, “The Empty Heart”?
2. Our hearts stood still in the ………………… .
3. What were in Pitchers?
4. The Koel is praised by the poet as it seems to be
5. Each coin he could clutch by hook or ……………….
6. Which of the following word stands for Martha used in the poem ?
7. Periasami Thooran was born in
8. The song of the koel brings a
9. Who tells her stories over and over again ?
10. Which word stands for “following something as a result?
12. What is burning (referred to) in the poem ?
13. Whom were the children staring at ease ?
14. Nothing is wrong with a half filled purse, “T’is is the void in the heart …………
15. According to modern research, the existence of ….. has been considered to be true :
16. The tree gave the man seven ……………. full of gold coins. .
18. Who were Sakes and Hunas ?
19. Periasamy Thooran was a …………..writer.
20. The poet knew Martha when he was a

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