Chemical Reactions and Equations Mcqs (Objective) In English

Chemical Reactions and Equations Mcqs (Objective) In English, Class 10 Science MCQs Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions & Equations

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Class 10 Science MCQs Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions & Equations


#1. In which of the following equations, the mass is not same on both the sides?

#2. Which among the following statement (s) is (are) true? Exposure of silver chloride to sunlight for a long duration turns grey due to (i) the formation of silver by decomposition of silver chloride (ii) sublimation of silver chloride (iii) decomposition of chlorine gas from silver chloride (iv) oxidation of silver chloride

#3. Which among the following statement (s) is (are) true? Exposure of silver chloride to sunlight for a long duration turns grey due to (i) the formation of silver by decomposition of silver chloride (ii) sublimation of silver chloride (iii) decomposition of chlorine gas from silver chloride (iv) oxidation of silver chloride

#4. Three beakers labelled as A, B and C each containing 25 mL of water were taken. A small amount of NaOH, anhydrous Cuso, and NaCl were added to the beakers A, B and C respectively. It was observed that there was an increase in the temperature of the solutions contained in beakers A and B, whereas in case of beaker C, the temperature of the solution falls. Which one of the following statements(s) is (are) correct? (i) In beakers A and B, exothermic process has occurred. (ii) In beakers A and B, endothermic process has occurred. (iii) In beaker C exothermic process has occurred. (iv) In beaker C endothermic process has occurred.

#5. Corrosion of metals can be prevented

#6. Identify the chemical equation which represents a complete balanced equation for the reaction of barium chloride with sodium sulphate to produce barium sulphate and sodium chloride.

#7. Which of the following is not a physical change?

#8. Which among the following is (are) double displacement reaction(s)? (i) Pb + CuCl2 → PbCl2 + Cu (ii) Na2SO4 + BaCl2 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl (iii) C + O2 → CO2 (iv) CH4 + 2O2 → 2H2O

#9. Which of the following reactions are represents a combination reaction?

#10. Which of the following observation belp(s) us to determine that a chemical change has taken place?

#11. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually added to the beaker containing acidified potassium permanganate solution. The light purple colour of the solution fades and finally disappears. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the observation?

#12. Which of the following is (are) an endothermic processes? (1) Dilution of sulphuric acid. (ii) Sublimation of dry ice. (iil) Condensation of water vapours. (iv) Evaporation of water.

#13. Which one of the following processes involve chemical reactions?

#14. In the double displacement reaction between aqueous potassium iodide and aqueous lead nitrate, a yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed. While performing the activity if lead nitrate is not available, which of the following can be used in place of lead nitrate?

#15. Solid calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to form calcium hydroxide accompanied by liberation of heat. This process is called slaking of lime. Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water to form its solution called lime water. Which among the following is (are) true about slaking of lime and the solution formed? (i) It is an endothermic reaction (ii) It is an exothermic reaction (iii) The pH of the resulting solution will be more than seven (iv) The pH of the resulting solution will be less than seven

#16. What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron filings?

#17. The following reaction is an example of a 4NH3(8) + 5O2 (e) — 4NO(g)+ 6H2O(g) (i) displacement reaction (ii) combination reaction (iii) redox reaction (iv) neutralisation reaction

#18. Chemically rust is

#19. The chemical formula of lead sulphate is

#20. Both CO2 and H2 gases are

#21. Which of the following gases can be used for storage of fresh sample of an oil for a long time

#22. The electrolytic decomposition of water gives H, and 0, in the ratio of

#23. In the decomposition of lead (II) nitrate to give lead (II) oxide, nitrogen dioxide and gas, the coefficient of nitrogen dioxide (in the balanced equation) is

#24. Fatty foods become rancid due to the process of

#25. We store silver chloride in a dark coloured bottle because it

#26. Silver article turns black when kept in the open for a few days due to formation of

#27. When crystals of lead nitrate are heated strongly in a dry test tube

#28. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to granulated zinc taken in a test tube. The following observations are recorded. Point out the correct observation.

#29. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water,

#30. When a magnesium ribbon is burrnt in air, the ash formed is

#31. In which of the following, heat energy will be evolved?

#32. Rancidity can be prevented by

#33. The reaction of H2 gas with oxygen gas to form water is an example of ta ped

#34. The reaction in which two compounds exchange their ions to form two new compounds is called

#35. On immersing an iron nail in CuSO4 solution for few minutes, you will observe

#36. An element X on exposure to moist air turns reddish-brown and a new compound Y is formed. The substance X and Y are

#37. Which of the following is termed as oxidizing agent?

#38. Which of the following termed as reducing agent?

#39. Which of the following does show oxidation reaction?

#40. Which of the following does show reduction reaction?

#41. Which of the reaction is used in black and white photography?

#42. In which of the following heat is evolved?

#43. In which of the following heat is absorbed generally?

#44. Which of the following is termed as endothermic reaction?

#45. Which of the following is termed as exothermic reaction?

#46. What is the name of reaction which decomposes after supply of heat?

#47. What is the name of reaction in which both oxidation and reduction takes place?

#48. What is the name of substance which does get deposited over iron because of moisture present in air?

#49. Why magnesium ribbon is cleaned before burning?

#50. On the basis of evolution or absorption of heat, chemical reactions can be divided into how many types?

#51. Which of the following gas is produced when carbon is burnt in air?

#52. What happens when hydrogen reacts with oxygen?

#53. Which of the following product is formed when calcium oxide reacts with water?

#54. What is the another name of quick lime?

#55. What is the chemical name for slaked lime?

#56. Heating of ferrous sulphate gives which of the following product?

#57. In which of the following category will you put the reaction of heating of ferrous sulphate:

#58. In which of the following category will you put the reaction of heating of calcium carbonate?

#59. Which of the following product is formed after heating of limestone?

#60. What happens when silver chloride is put under sunlight

#61. Which of the following is formed when lead nitrate is put under thermal decomposition?

#62. What happens when carbon dioxide is passed through lime water?

#63. What happens when silver bromide is exposed to sunlight?

#64. Which metal is displaced when lead is put in the solution of copper chloride?

#65. Which of the following is formed when lead metal reacts with the solution of copper chloride?

#66. Which metal is displaced when zinc metal is put in the solution of copper sulphate

#67. What happens when sodium sulphate solution is mixed with the solution of barium chloride?

#68. What happens when copper metal is dipped in the solution of zinc sulphate?

#69. What happens when zine metal is dipped in the solution of copper sulphate?

#70. Why are articles made of iron painted to prevent rust?

#71. How rancidity can be prevented?

#72. Balanced equation of Fe + H2O → Fe3O4 + H2 is

#73. The formula of quick lime and the compound formed when it reacts with water

#74. A solution of which of the following compounds is used for whitewashing?

#75. Electrolysis of water is

#76. Lead nitrate Pb(NO3)2 on heating forms solid Lead oxide (PLO) and Nitrogen direide What is the colour of lead oxide and nitrogen dioxide?

#77. Silver chloride on exposure to sunlight decomposes into silver and chlorine gas. This is used in

#78. Quick lime is used in whitewashing because

#79. Example of a double displacement reaction will be

#80. Ferrous sulphate solution is green while ferric oxide formed by its decomposition is

#81. Corrosion or rusting of iron metal is

#82. To facilitate the electrolysis of water we add a few drops of acids like salphuric acid because

#83. Fried foods are packed with which gas to prevent Oxidation of fat?

#84. Which of the following statements about the reaction are correct? 3Fe (s) + 4H2O(g) → Fe3O4(s) + 4H3(g) (i) Iren metal is getting oxidised (ii) Water is getting reduced (iii) Water is acting as reducing agent (iv) Water is acting as oxidising agent

#85. Which of the following is a displacement reaction?

#86. A substance X’is used in white-washing and is obtained by beating time stone in the absence of air. The substance ‘X’is

#87. Select the oxidising agent for the following reaction: H2S + I2 → 2HI + S

#88. A substance added to food containing fats and oils is called:

#89. The condition produced by serial oxidation of fats and oils in foods marked by unpleasant smell and taste is called:

#90. When SO2, gas is passed through saturated solution of H2S which of the following reaction occurs?

#91. What are the products formed when iron filings are heated with dilute hydrochloric acid?

#92. A student performs an experiment to form aluminium chloride from aluminium and chlorine. Which options gives the balanced chemical equation of the reaction?

#93. A researcher adds barium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid to form a white coloured barium chloride. Which option gives the balanced chemical equation of the reaction


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